Information and Communication Technology
Association of Zimbabwe - ICTAZ
11 Chimoio Avenue,
Yeovil, Mutare
Email: ictazhq@gmail.com
Mobile: +263 773 163 875 / 715 366 850
Tel: +263 22020 21332

Information and Communication Technology
Association of Zimbabwe (ICTAZ)

Bridging the Digital Skills Gap and expand Digital Literacy in Zimbabwe
A warm welcome to ICTAZ School of Digital Technologies site!
This is a delivery vehicle for all training and capacity building activities developed or implemented by Information and Communication Technology Association of Zimbabwe (ICTAZ) and its partners. Its mandate is to bridge the digital skills gap in Zimbabwe. It was established in May 2023 as one of the key outcomes of the Educators ICT Conference 2019 held at Forest Hills Resort in Vumba.
Registered as a social enterprise, the Institute is designed to empower both individuals and institutions with the correct mix of skills to architect, deploy, build and manage emerging technologies in the ways that benefit society. Through coherent joined up capacity building and professional development programs, the Institute seeks to broaden and deepen citizens’ knowledge of new and emerging technologies, the application and integration of these technologies, and the administrative practices used in the effective management of these technologies in their day-today socio-economic activities.
Programs offered by the Institute provide a blend of theoretical content and practical application that utilizes a hands-on, reality-based approach to building digital competencies and skills. This allows society to deploy ICTs as tools and catalysts to drive economic growth, improve quality of life and develop home grown solutions to most pressing local challenges.
Upcoming Programs
The Institute offers a blend of theoretical content and practical application that utilizes a hands-on, reality-based approach to building digital competencies and skills.

ZIMSEC & Cambridge Free Mobile Online Classes
This is a virtual and interactive online platform to engage students in Zimbabwe to access inclusive and quality learning in the face of COVID-19
Registration Fee:

Digital Education in Zimbabwe: Educators & e-Readiness Webinar
Platform to engage educators to reflect on their digital skills/competencies vis-a-vis country's e-readiness for digital education in primary & secondary school
Registration Fee
Curriculum Development
Networking & Partnerships
Influencing Policy Development
Develop Toolkits & Frameworks

Our mission is to build the digital skills of citizens to master emerging technologies as essential tools and catalysts for sustainable development and innovation, independently watch-dogging the impact of ICTs on the environment and society through research and studies for the good of the people and our planet.
Quick Links
Information and Communication Technology Association of Zimbabwe
Ministry of ICT, Postal and Courier Services
Zimbabwe Council of Higher Education
Zimbabwe School Examination Council
Cambridge International AS